Everyone Has a Right to Survive

Equal & Equitable Access to Life Saving Training


Provide low cost training, assistance, and support to marginalized peoples; such as the BIPOC & LGBTQ+ communities.

Below are all of the individual courses we’re currently offering.

Scroll down to learn more about our core program SAVE!

Check out our calendar for our currently scheduled classes.

Taken a class with us? Send us your feedback!

If there’s nothing that works with your schedule, reach out and we’ll work something out.

Click on each title below to learn more.

  • Civilian Response to Active Shooter Events (CRASE) from the Advanced Law Enforcement Rapid Response Training (ALERRT) Center
  • Countering The Mass Shooter Threat from USCCA
  • 1st Aid/CPR/AED Certifications from the American Safety & Health Institute (ASHI) or the Red Cross
  • Emergency & Trauma Aid from Stop the Bleed, Red Cross FAST, ASHI Stop Life-Threatening Bleeding, & Emergency First Aid Fundamentals from USCCA
  • REVIVE! Opioid Overdose and Naloxone Education (OONE) program from the VA Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services
  • Firearms Safety Basics from Military Training & USCCA
  • Firearms Safety Deep Dive with DC, MD, & VA Laws from Military Training & USCCA
  • Wanting to go to a gun store of the range, but don’t feel comfortable?
  • We’ll provide a vetted & background checked volunteer to accompany you
  • Our goal is to help you feel more comfortable at the gun store or firing range
  • Get free help or referrals to others for assistance with firearm paperwork
  • Free Notary Services for anyone that takes a course*

* Free services provided at/during the scheduled course. Contact us if you need services and are a previous student.

Our Core Training Program

Our core program SAVE! is composed of 3 Modules, outlined below.


— Active Violence/ Shooter Response

  • Learn proven tactics and strategies for staying alive
  • Understand the psychology behind the recommended survival techniques
  • Gain an understanding of the history & associated statistics of such events

This Module is part of the overall “SAVE Yourself & Others” program but is also available as a Standalone Course.


— Emergency/
Trauma 1st Aid

  • Instruction on how to recognize life-threatening bleeding and intervene effectively
  • Based on proven combat trauma care utilizing guidelines from Stop the Bleed© and TECC
  • These skills could save your own life or the lives of others

This Module is part of the overall “SAVE Yourself & Others” program but is also available as a Standalone Course.


— Defensive
Firearm Use

  • Learn considerations of Defensive Firearm use during Active Violence/Shooter events
  • Tips for deciding if firearm use is appropriate or not
  • Understand defensive shooting fundamentals
  • Overall firearms safety
  • Overview of local/state firearms laws*

This Module is part of the overall “SAVE Yourself & Others” program and is also available as a Standalone Course.

*Only applies to DC, MD, and/or VA state laws, depending on the class.

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